Michel Tuszewsk
Chief Experimental Scientist at Tri Alpha Energy
Michel Tuszewski
Tri-Alpha Energy
Friday, October 16, 2015
Field-reversed Configuration (FRC) sustainment from high-power neutral beam injection has been recently explored in the Tri Alpha Energy C-2U device. In this upgraded experiment, 10 MW hydrogen neutrals (15 keV) are injected for up to 10 ms into FRC target plasmas with densities of a few 1019 m-3, and with temperatures of up to 1 keV. Plasma lifetimes > 10 ms have been obtained in the last few months, limited by the neutral beam pulse length. The C2-U device, the experimental results, and future directions will be presented in the talk.
Michel Tuszewski is a leading experimentalist in field-reversed configuration plasmas. He has studied these high-beta plasmas for a decade at Los Alamos, and for another decade at Tri Alpha Energy. He is a LANL and APS Fellow, and he is currently TAE Chief Experimental Scientist.