The Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) is a multi-disciplinary laboratory on the MIT campus. Its staff and students carry out research on a range of related topics including fusion energy, plasma physics, plasma applications, superconducting magnet technology and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. It is recognized as the leading university laboratory in developing the scientific and engineering aspects of magnetic and inertial confinement fusion and related plasma science and technology.
The PSFC is associated with the academic departments of Aeronautics and Astronautical Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Physics. Approximately 230 people associated with PSFC research activities. These include faculty and senior academic staff, research scientists and engineers, graduate and undergraduate students, visiting scientists, research affiliates, technical support personnel, administrative and support staff.
The PSFC is housed in 7 buildings (NW14, NW15, NW16, NW17, NW20, NW21, NW22) totaling over 150,000 sq. ft. of diverse and capable lab space & accompanying infrastructure including energy storage, power conversion, RF sources, NMR magnets and accelerators.