Peter Thomas Lang

Peter Lang

Pellet actuator development at AUG in view of DEMO

Peter Lang

Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics

Wednesday, November 18, 2020



PSFC Seminars

Abstract: Operation in a future fusion reactor will aim to establish a high plasma core density in order to harvest a maximum output power.  This requires an efficient core fuelling actuator, capable to establish the required target value with a minimum of applied particle flux. For the development of a potentially multi-tasking pellet launching system appropriate for reactor requirements, we have chosen a step-by-step approach along the route ASDEX Upgrade, JT-60SA and EU-DEMO. The AUG pellet system is operating since almost 30 years, meanwhile optimised for high-speed inboard launch. Currently, a novel and state-of-the art pellet system is being built for the new large superconducting tokamak JT-60SA. Finally, a conceptual design for EU-DEMO’s core fuelling actuator is under way. Ongoing design optimisation takes care of keeping the fuel inventory as low as reasonably achievable while staying compatible with the EU-DEMO design.

Bio: Peter Thomas Lang, was born in Straubing, Bavaria (Germany) April 22., 1961. After attending school there, he studied physics at the University of Regensburg. There, he got his Diploma degree in 1988 for a work on phonon physics and his Ph.D. in 1991 for a work on tunable generation of far-infrared radiation basing on a technique originally developed at MIT. In 1992 he joined the ASDEX Upgrade team at the Max-Planck-Institute where he is working since responsible for the pellet system. He spend some month a visiting scientist at the JT-60U tokamak and several years at JET mainly as Task Force leader. Currently, besides is research activity at ASDEX Upgrade he is working as well on the pellet systems for the European DEMO and JT-60SA.

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