Bart Lomanowski
Oak Ridge National Laboratory / JET
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Abstract: I will present recent results from JET-ILW on linking changes in global and edge plasma parameters (H98, collisionality, separatrix density, ne,sep) directly to the target electron temperature, Te,t, the main parameter moderating divertor recycling and volumetric momentum and cooling losses. Recognizing the primary ne,sep dependence on Te,t, and the importance of ne,sep as an interface parameter linking SOL/divertor physics to the pedestal, I will focus on developing an ne,sep scaling within the extended two-point model framework, supported by direct measurements of the volumetric loss trends and 2D boundary plasma simulations to elucidate the impact of divertor geometry, neutral leakage and main chamber recycling.
Bio: After an early engineering career working on sustainable building modelling, Bart Lomanowski shifted focus to magnetic confinement fusion and completed his PhD in 2015 at Durham University on plasma spectroscopy and boundary plasma physics, during which he spent most of his time upgrading and exploiting spectroscopy diagnostics on MAST and JET. This rewarding experience led him to pursue a post-doc with Aalto University with the goal of bridging divertor spectroscopic techniques with boundary plasma simulation outputs through synthetic diagnostics post-processing. Bart joined ORNL in 2018 to expand his focus to active spectroscopy, supporting ORNL’s main-ion core Ti charge exchange spectroscopy diagnostic on JET, while still pursuing JET boundary plasma experiments. This position provided a unique opportunity to broaden his experience and outlook on the challenges of integrating high plasma performance with the demands for power exhaust mitigation and particle control (PEPC). Bart is currently involved in core-edge integration experiments on JET, diagnostic upgrade projects and boundary plasma modelling, and is looking forward to what is shaping up to be an exciting time in fusion, and especially in addressing PEPC challenges on next-generation devices.