Ted Golfinopoulos, Brian LaBombard
Friday, June 10, 2022
NW17-218 Hybrid
Mission: Demonstrate 20T operation in no-insulation HTS DC magnet for fusion power application; risk-retire SPARC TF design
Part 1 - Brian LaBombard
- What is a no-insulation no-twist (NINT) HTS coil?
NINT HTS origins; early NINT R&D for SPARC; unique properties and electrical characteristics
- SPARC TF NINT design requirements and Risks; TFMC vs. SPARC TF design
- TFMC 20 Tesla test plan and performance predictions
Part 2 - Ted Golfinopoulos
- TFMC Test Facility
PSFC magnet test facility – cryogenics, high DC current, current leads, instrumentation and control
- 20 Tesla Test – September 2-7, 2021
B-fields attained; comparison against simulations
- Next Steps