Maria Gatu Johnson, John Mota, and the Facilities and Safety Team (Swayne Blackmon, Karen Cote, Will George, Jennifer James, and Alyssa Santoro) were among this year's award winners.
Maria Gatu Johnson, John Mota, and PSFC Facilities & Safety Team recognized by colleagues and MIT for their stand-out efforts
April 30, 2024
Several members of the PSFC community have been honored with MIT Infinite Mile Awards, an annual program that acknowledges members of the MIT community who have made extraordinary contributions to their organizations or the Institute on a whole.
Awardees are nominated by their peers, who submit letters detailing the acts for which they feel their nominee deserves recognition.The Infinite Mile Committee reviews submissions and selects those nominations which they feel best embody the spirit of MIT. In 2024, individual awardees included Principal Research Scientist Maria Gatu Johnson, and Shipping and Receiving Associate John Mota. The PSFC Facilities and Safety Team, composed of Jenn James, Swayne Blackmon, Will George, Alyssa Santoro, and Karen Cote, were also recognized.
Maria Gatu Johnson’s nominators characterized her as dedicated to ensuring the success of her students and everyone around her. She is a highly-decorated researcher, and yet “her humility drives a sense of belonging” in her group. When asked about the award, Maria said, “This award came as a complete surprise to me. I learned after the fact that students in the HEDP group had submitted the nomination. It really touched me as a gesture of them seeing and recognizing the care and effort I put into work every day.”
John Mota’s nominators mentioned that he was extraordinary at his job while also being kind and encouraging. They wanted to “let him know that [they] have always, and will always appreciate” everything he does. “It is always nice to know the work you do is important and appreciated,” said John Mota. “I’m grateful and honored.”
The sheer volume of tasks handled by the Facilities and Safety team, and the care each team member takes with their work and coworkers was mentioned several times by their nominators. One person called the group “the heart and soul of our workplace.” Speaking on behalf of her teammates, Karen Cote remarked that “A strong safety culture requires commitment and active participation from everyone,” citing the collaboration and teamwork that she feels makes the PSFC special.
The PSFC has an impressive track record of Infinite Mile Award winners. Over the past 19 years, 46 awards have been given to members of the PSFC, and several people have been honored more than once, which is a testament to the incredible spirit of the PSFC community, and the high esteem in which colleagues hold each other.