Mechanical Engineer
Ph.D Tianjin University (1996)
M.Eng. Tianjin University (1993)
B.Eng. Tianjin University (1990)
L. Zhou, R.F. Vieira, J. Doody, W.K. Beck, D.R. Terry, W. Cochran, J.H. Irby, Z.S Hartwig, H.S. Barnard, B.N. Sorbom and D.G. Whyte, “Design and fabrication of a DC feeder system of new TF magnet power supply for Accelerator-based In-situ Materials Surveillance in Alcator C-Mod,” Fusion Sci. Technol., Vol. 68, No. 2, Sep. 2015.
L. Zhou, R.F. Vieira, S. Harrison, D. Karnes, and B. Lipschultz, “Thermal FEA for Alcator C-Mod advanced outer divertor,” IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 42, No. 3, p563-567, Mar. 2014.
L. Zhou, R.F. Vieira, S. Harrison, D. Karnes, and B. Lipschultz, “Heat transfer simulation of A-frame assembly to support Alcator C-Mod outer divertor upgrade,” Fusion Sci. Technol., Vol. 64, No. 2, p293-297, Aug. 2013.
L. Zhou, T. Huang, and H. Kerle, “Investigation on the stiffness of 3-HSS parallel kinematic machine using finite element analysis,” Transaction of Canadian Mechanical Engineering Society, Vol. 26, No. 3, p337-346, 2002.
L. Zhou, K. H. Modler, H. Kerle and S. Lin, “Brief introduction to researches on parallel kinematic machines in Germany,” Mechanical Design, Vol. 18, No. 1, p1-4, 2001.
L. Zhou, T. Huang, and Z. Zeng, “Design theory and method for chain looper mechanism of high-speed overlock sewing machine,” Mechanical Design, Vol. 15, No. 9, p26-28, 1998.
L. Zhou, W.K. Beck, P. Koert, Q.X. Yang, C.M. Qin, X.J. Zhang, J. Doody, R.F. Vieira, S.J. Wukitch, R.S. Granetz, J.H. Irby and Y.P. Zhao, “RF, disruption and thermal analyses of EAST antennas,” 26th Symposium on Fusion Engineering --SOFE 2015, Austin, Texas, USA, May 31-Jun. 4, 2015.
L. Zhou, R.F. Vieira, J. Doody, W.K. Beck, D.R. Terry, W. Cochran, J.H. Irby, Z.S Hartwig, H.S. Barnard, B.N. Sorbom and D.G. Whyte, “Design, analysis and fabrication of a new magnet power supply system for Accelerator-based In-situ Materials Surveillance in Alcator C-Mod”, ANS 21st Topical Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy – TOFE 2014, Anaheim, California, USA, Nov. 9-13, 2014.
L. Zhou, R.F. Vieira, S. Harrison, D. Karnes, and B. Lipschultz, “Heat transfer simulation of Alcator C-Mod advanced outer divertor,” 25th Symposium on Fusion Engineering --SOFE 2013, San Francisco, California, USA, Jun. 10-14, 2013.