Research Scientist
SB, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1984)
SM, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1986)
PhD , Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1992)
Instrumentation and controls; cryogenics and vacuum technology; superconductor magnet design and operation.
Past research activities have included installation and operation of RF heating sources for the LDX, control of vacuum systems, fabrication and characterization of superconductor coils and joints, measurement and analysis of AC losses in superconductor strands and cables. Major responsibilities have included: operation of the MIT Pulse Test Facility to characterize the behaviors of 50kA superconductors and superconductor joints in rapidly varying magnetic fields; participation in the construction, installation, instrumentation and testing of the ITER Central Solenoid Model Coil; and design, analysis, manufacturing supervision and testing of superconductor coils for the Levitated Dipole Experiment.
L. Bromberg, J.V. Minervini, A. Radovinsky, P. Le, P. Michael and T. Antaya, Ultra-Light, Magnetically Shielded, High-Current, Compact Cyclotrons, US20140087953A1.
P.C. Michael, A.E. Haight, L. Bromberg, and K. Kano, “Insulation system for high temperature superconductor cables,” submitted for publication to AIP Conf. Proc. (2015).
P.C. Michael, C.A. Galea and L. Bromberg, “Cryogenic current lead optimization using Peltiter elements and configurable cooling,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25(3) (2015) 4801805.
P.C. Michael, L. Bromberg, A.J. Dietz, K.J. Cragin and C. Gold, “Design and test of a prototype 20 kA HTS DC power transmission cable,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25(3) (2015) 5401005.
A. Radovinsky, J.V. Minervini, C.E. Miller, L. Bromberg, P.C. Michael and M. Maggiore, “Superconducting magnets for ultra-light and magnetically shielded, compact cyclotrons for medical, scientific, and security applications,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 24(3) (2014) Article 4402505.
P.C. Michael, T.A. Antaya, A. Radovinsky, B.A. Smith, and S. Pourrahimi, “Test of a conduction-cooled, prototype, superconducting magnet for a compact cyclotron,” IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 23(3) (2013) Article 4100304.