Research Scientist
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D., Nuclear Science and Engineering (2014)
Seoul National University, Korea, B.S., Nuclear Engineering (2006)
Lower hybrid wave propagation and its interaction with plasma, RF wave and turbulence measurements with reflectometry.; Gas-puff-imaging diagnostic development on W7-X
S. G. Baek, J. L. Terry, D. P. Stotler, B. Labombard, and D. Brunner, "DEGAS 2 model validation study: comparison of measured and modeled helium and deuterium line emission arising from an external gas puff on Alcator C-Mod " In Preparation
S. G. Baek, G. M. Wallace, P. T. Bonoli, D. Brunner, I. C. Faust, A. Hubbard, J. W. Hughes, B. Labombard, R. Parker, M. Porkolab, S.Shiraiwa, and S. Wukitch, "Observation of efficient lower hybrid currentdrive at high density in diverted plasmas on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak" Physical Review Letters, 121, 055001 (2018)
S. G. Baek, G. M. Wallace, T. Shinya, R. R. Parker, P. T. Bonoli, D. Brunner, I. Faust, B. L. LaBombard, Y. Takase, and S. Wukitch, "Measurementsof the parallel wavenumber of lower hybrid waves in the scrape-off layer
of a high density tokamak," Physics of Plasmas, 23, 050701 (2016)
S. G. Baek, R. R. Parker, P. T. Bonoli, S. Shiraiwa, G. M. Wallace, B. L. LaBombard, I. C. Faust, M. Porkolab, and D. Whyte, "High Density LHRF Experiments in Alcator C-Mod and Implications for Reactor Scale Devices," Nuclear Fusion, 55, 043009 (2015)
S. G. Baek, R. R. Parker, S. Shiraiwa, G. M. Wallace, P. T. Bonoli, M. Porkolab, Y. Takase, D. Brunner, I. C. Faust, A. E. Hubbard, B. LaBombard, and C. Lau, "Characterization of the onset of parametric decay instability of lower hybrid waves in a diverted tokamak," Physics of Plasmas, 21,061511 (2014)
S. G. Baek, S. Shiraiwa, R. R. Parker, P. T. Bonoli, E. S. Marmar, G. M. Wallace, A. Dominguez, G. J. Kramer, and C. Lau, "Detection of lower hybrid waves in the scrape-off layer with microwave back-scattering," Physics of Plasmas, 21, 012506 (2014)
S. G. Baek, R. R. Parker, S. Shiraiwa, G. M. Wallace, P. T. Bonoli, D.Brunner, I. C. Faust, A. E. Hubbard, B. L. LaBombard, and M. Porkolab, "Measurements of ion cyclotron parametric decay of lower hybrid waves at the high-field side of Alcator C-Mod," Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55, 052001 (2013)
S. G. Baek, S. Shiraiwa, R. R. Parker, A. Dominguez, G. J. Kramer, and E. S. Marmar, "Modification of ordinary-mode reflectometry system to detect lower hybrid waves in Alcator C-Mod," Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10E325 (2012)
S. G. Baek, S. Shiraiwa, R. R. Parker, C. Lau, and G. M. Wallace, "Observations of spectral broadening of lower hybrid waves in Alcator C-Mod," Plasma and Fusion Research 7, 2402031 (2012)