Earl Marmar

Earl Marmar

Associate Director

Senior Research Scientist, Physics Department

Head, Magnetic Fusion Experiments





PhD, Physics, Princeton University (1977)
MA, Physics, Princeton University (1976)
BSc, (Hons), Physics, University of Manitoba (1972)


Plasma spectrosocopy; particle and energy transport; plasma diagnostic techniques; atomic physics; plasma-material interactions.


Dr. Earl Marmar received his Ph.D. in Physics from Princeton University in 1977. During his graduate research at Princeton, he helped to develop a technique to introduce an intense beam of low energy neutral atoms into the edge of a tokamak plasma discharge that has found subsequent application in fusion related experiments worldwide. In the late 1970s, working on the Alcator A tokamak at MIT, Dr. Marmar was the co-discoverer of the edge plasma radiative condensation phenomenon which has come to be known as the MARFE. From 1984-87, Dr. Marmar's research on Alcator C included the first unambiguous observations of charge transfer, from excited neutral hydrogen to highly stripped impurity ions in a tokamak plasma, and the lamb shift in the ground state of hydrogen-like argon was measured with unprecedented precision. In his experiments on Alcator C-Mod, he concentrates on studies of impurity and energy transport, particularly in enhanced energy confinement regimes which combine high pressure core plasmas with low impurity particle confinement.


Alcator C-Mod: research in support of ITER and steps beyond
Marmar, E.S.; Baek, S.G.; Barnard, H.; Bonoli, P.; Brunner, D.; Candy, J.; Canik, J.; Churchill, R.M.; Cziegler, I.; Dekow, G.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Diallo, A.; Edlund, E.; Ennever, P.; Faust, I.; Fiore, C.; Chi Gao; Golfinopoulos, T.; Greenwald, M.; Hartwig, Z.S.; Holland, C.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hughes, J.W.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Irby, J.; LaBombard, B.; Yijun Lin; Lipschultz, B.; Loarte, A.; Mumgaard, R.; Parker, R.R.; Porkolab, M.; Reinke, M.L.; Rice, J.E.; Scott, S.; Shiraiwa, S.; Snyder, P.; Sorbom, B.; Terry, D.; Terry, J.L.; Theiler, C.; Vieira, R.; Walk, J.R.; Wallace, G.M.; White, A.; Whyte, D.; Wolfe, S.M.; Wright, G.M.; Wright, J.; Wukitch, S.J.; Xu, P.
Nuclear Fusion, v 55, n 10, p 104020 (22 pp.), Oct. 2015

Core impurity transport in Alcator C-Mod L-, I- and H-mode plasmas
Rice, J.E.; Reinke, M.L.; Gao, C.; Howard, N.T.; Chilenski, M.A.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Granetz, R.S.; Greenwald, M.J.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hughes, J.W.; Irby, J.H.; Lin, Y.; Marmar, E.S.; Mumgaard, R.T.; Scott, S.D.; Terry, J.L.; Walk, J.R.; White, A.E.; Whyte, D.G.; Wolfe, S.M.; Wukitch, S.J.
Nuclear Fusion, v 55, n 3, March 1, 2015

20 years of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
Greenwald, M.; Bader, A.; Baek, S.; Bakhtiari, M.; Barnard, H.; Beck, W.; Bergerson, W.; Bespamyatnov, I.; Bonoli, P.; Brower, D.; Brunner, D.; Burke, W.; Candy, J.; Churchill, M.; Cziegler, I.; Diallo, A.; Dominguez, A.; Duval, B.; Edlund, E.; Ennever, P.; Ernst, D.; Faust, I.; Fiore, C.; Fredian, T.; Garcia, O.; Gao, C.; Goetz, J.; Golfinopoulos, T.; Granetz, R.; Grulke, O.; Hartwig, Z.; Horne, S.; Howard, N.; Hubbard, A.; Hughes, J.; Hutchinson, I.; Irby, J.; Izzo, V.; Kessel, C.; LaBombard, B.; Lau, C.; Li, C.; Lin, Y.; Lipschultz, B.; Loarte, A.; Marmar, E.; Mazurenko, A.; McCracken, G.; McDermott, R.; Meneghini, O.; Mikkelsen, D.; Mossessian, D.; Mumgaard, R.; Myra, J.; Nelson-Melby, E.; Ochoukov, R.; Olynyk, G.; Parker, R.; Pitcher, S.; Podpaly, Y.; Porkolab, M.; Reinke, M.; Rice, J.; Rowan, W.; Schmidt, A.; Scott, S.; Shiraiwa, S.; Sierchio, J.; Smick, N.; Snipes, J.A.; Snyder, P.; Sorbom, B.; Stillerman, J.; Sung, C.; Takase, Y.; Tang, V.; Terry, J.; Terry, D.; Theiler, C.; Tronchin-James, A.; Tsujii, N.; Vieira, R.; Walk, J.; Wallace, G.; White, A.; Whyte, D.; Wilson, J.; Wolfe, S.; Wright, G.; Wright, J.; Wukitch, S.; Zweben, S.
Physics of Plasmas, v 21, n 11, p 110501 (50 pp.), Nov. 2014

Non-local heat transport in Alcator C-Mod ohmic L-mode plasmas
Gao, C.; Rice, J.E.; Sun, H.J.; Reinke, M.L.; Howard, N.T.; Mikkelson, D.; Hubbard, A.E.; Chilenski, M.A.; Walk, J.R.; Hughes, J.W.; Ennever, P.C.; Porkolab, M.; White, A.E.; Sung, C.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Baek, S.G.; Rowan, W.L.; Brookman, M.W.; Greenwald, M.J.; Granetz, R.S.; Wolfe, S.W.; Marmar, E.S.
Nuclear Fusion, v 54, n 8, August 1, 2014

Effects of LHRF on toroidal rotation in Alcator C-Mod plasmas
Rice, J.E.; Podpaly, Y.A.; Reinke, M.L.; Gao, C.; Shiraiwa, S.; Terry, J.L.; Theiler, C.; Wallace, G.M.; Bonoli, P.T.; Brunner, D.; Churchill, R.M.; Cziegler, I.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Diamond, P.H.; Faust, I.C.; Fisch, N.J.; Granetz, R.S.; Greenwald, M.J.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hughes, J.W.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Irby, J.H.; Lee, J.; Lin, Y.; Marmar, E.S.; Mumgaard, R.; Parker, R.R.; Scott, S.D.; Walk, J.R.; Wolfe, S.M.; Wukitch, S.J.
Nuclear Fusion, v 53, n 9, September 2013

Pedestal structure and stability in H-mode and I-mode: A comparative study on Alcator C-Mod
Hughes, J.W.; Snyder, P.B.; Walk, J.R.; Davis, E.M.; Diallo, A.; Labombard, B.; Baek, S.G.; Churchill, R.M.; Greenwald, M.; Groebner, R.J.; Hubbard, A.E.; Lipschultz, B.; Marmar, E.S.; Osborne, T.; Reinke, M.L.; Rice, J.E.; Theiler, C.; Terry, J.; White, A.E.; Whyte, D.G.; Wolfe, S.; Xu, X.Q.
Nuclear Fusion, v 53, n 4, April 2013

Threshold conditions for transitions to I-mode and H-mode with unfavourable ion grad B drift direction
Hubbard, A.E.; Whyte, D.G.; Churchill, R.M.; Dominguez, A.; Hughes, J.W.; Ma, Y.; Marmar, E.S.; Lin, Y.; Reinke, M.L.; White, A.E.
Nuclear Fusion, v 52, n 11, p 114009 (9 pp.), Nov. 2012

Talks & Media

Alcator C-Mod overview oral presentation, 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, October, 2014