Associate Director
Senior Research Scientist, Physics Department
Head, Magnetic Fusion Experiments
PhD, Physics, Princeton University (1977)
MA, Physics, Princeton University (1976)
BSc, (Hons), Physics, University of Manitoba (1972)
Plasma spectrosocopy; particle and energy transport; plasma diagnostic techniques; atomic physics; plasma-material interactions.
Dr. Earl Marmar received his Ph.D. in Physics from Princeton University in 1977. During his graduate research at Princeton, he helped to develop a technique to introduce an intense beam of low energy neutral atoms into the edge of a tokamak plasma discharge that has found subsequent application in fusion related experiments worldwide. In the late 1970s, working on the Alcator A tokamak at MIT, Dr. Marmar was the co-discoverer of the edge plasma radiative condensation phenomenon which has come to be known as the MARFE. From 1984-87, Dr. Marmar's research on Alcator C included the first unambiguous observations of charge transfer, from excited neutral hydrogen to highly stripped impurity ions in a tokamak plasma, and the lamb shift in the ground state of hydrogen-like argon was measured with unprecedented precision. In his experiments on Alcator C-Mod, he concentrates on studies of impurity and energy transport, particularly in enhanced energy confinement regimes which combine high pressure core plasmas with low impurity particle confinement.
Alcator C-Mod: research in support of ITER and steps beyond
Marmar, E.S.; Baek, S.G.; Barnard, H.; Bonoli, P.; Brunner, D.; Candy, J.; Canik, J.; Churchill, R.M.; Cziegler, I.; Dekow, G.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Diallo, A.; Edlund, E.; Ennever, P.; Faust, I.; Fiore, C.; Chi Gao; Golfinopoulos, T.; Greenwald, M.; Hartwig, Z.S.; Holland, C.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hughes, J.W.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Irby, J.; LaBombard, B.; Yijun Lin; Lipschultz, B.; Loarte, A.; Mumgaard, R.; Parker, R.R.; Porkolab, M.; Reinke, M.L.; Rice, J.E.; Scott, S.; Shiraiwa, S.; Snyder, P.; Sorbom, B.; Terry, D.; Terry, J.L.; Theiler, C.; Vieira, R.; Walk, J.R.; Wallace, G.M.; White, A.; Whyte, D.; Wolfe, S.M.; Wright, G.M.; Wright, J.; Wukitch, S.J.; Xu, P.
Nuclear Fusion, v 55, n 10, p 104020 (22 pp.), Oct. 2015
Core impurity transport in Alcator C-Mod L-, I- and H-mode plasmas
Rice, J.E.; Reinke, M.L.; Gao, C.; Howard, N.T.; Chilenski, M.A.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Granetz, R.S.; Greenwald, M.J.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hughes, J.W.; Irby, J.H.; Lin, Y.; Marmar, E.S.; Mumgaard, R.T.; Scott, S.D.; Terry, J.L.; Walk, J.R.; White, A.E.; Whyte, D.G.; Wolfe, S.M.; Wukitch, S.J.
Nuclear Fusion, v 55, n 3, March 1, 2015
20 years of research on the Alcator C-Mod tokamak
Greenwald, M.; Bader, A.; Baek, S.; Bakhtiari, M.; Barnard, H.; Beck, W.; Bergerson, W.; Bespamyatnov, I.; Bonoli, P.; Brower, D.; Brunner, D.; Burke, W.; Candy, J.; Churchill, M.; Cziegler, I.; Diallo, A.; Dominguez, A.; Duval, B.; Edlund, E.; Ennever, P.; Ernst, D.; Faust, I.; Fiore, C.; Fredian, T.; Garcia, O.; Gao, C.; Goetz, J.; Golfinopoulos, T.; Granetz, R.; Grulke, O.; Hartwig, Z.; Horne, S.; Howard, N.; Hubbard, A.; Hughes, J.; Hutchinson, I.; Irby, J.; Izzo, V.; Kessel, C.; LaBombard, B.; Lau, C.; Li, C.; Lin, Y.; Lipschultz, B.; Loarte, A.; Marmar, E.; Mazurenko, A.; McCracken, G.; McDermott, R.; Meneghini, O.; Mikkelsen, D.; Mossessian, D.; Mumgaard, R.; Myra, J.; Nelson-Melby, E.; Ochoukov, R.; Olynyk, G.; Parker, R.; Pitcher, S.; Podpaly, Y.; Porkolab, M.; Reinke, M.; Rice, J.; Rowan, W.; Schmidt, A.; Scott, S.; Shiraiwa, S.; Sierchio, J.; Smick, N.; Snipes, J.A.; Snyder, P.; Sorbom, B.; Stillerman, J.; Sung, C.; Takase, Y.; Tang, V.; Terry, J.; Terry, D.; Theiler, C.; Tronchin-James, A.; Tsujii, N.; Vieira, R.; Walk, J.; Wallace, G.; White, A.; Whyte, D.; Wilson, J.; Wolfe, S.; Wright, G.; Wright, J.; Wukitch, S.; Zweben, S.
Physics of Plasmas, v 21, n 11, p 110501 (50 pp.), Nov. 2014
Non-local heat transport in Alcator C-Mod ohmic L-mode plasmas
Gao, C.; Rice, J.E.; Sun, H.J.; Reinke, M.L.; Howard, N.T.; Mikkelson, D.; Hubbard, A.E.; Chilenski, M.A.; Walk, J.R.; Hughes, J.W.; Ennever, P.C.; Porkolab, M.; White, A.E.; Sung, C.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Baek, S.G.; Rowan, W.L.; Brookman, M.W.; Greenwald, M.J.; Granetz, R.S.; Wolfe, S.W.; Marmar, E.S.
Nuclear Fusion, v 54, n 8, August 1, 2014
Effects of LHRF on toroidal rotation in Alcator C-Mod plasmas
Rice, J.E.; Podpaly, Y.A.; Reinke, M.L.; Gao, C.; Shiraiwa, S.; Terry, J.L.; Theiler, C.; Wallace, G.M.; Bonoli, P.T.; Brunner, D.; Churchill, R.M.; Cziegler, I.; Delgado-Aparicio, L.; Diamond, P.H.; Faust, I.C.; Fisch, N.J.; Granetz, R.S.; Greenwald, M.J.; Hubbard, A.E.; Hughes, J.W.; Hutchinson, I.H.; Irby, J.H.; Lee, J.; Lin, Y.; Marmar, E.S.; Mumgaard, R.; Parker, R.R.; Scott, S.D.; Walk, J.R.; Wolfe, S.M.; Wukitch, S.J.
Nuclear Fusion, v 53, n 9, September 2013
Pedestal structure and stability in H-mode and I-mode: A comparative study on Alcator C-Mod
Hughes, J.W.; Snyder, P.B.; Walk, J.R.; Davis, E.M.; Diallo, A.; Labombard, B.; Baek, S.G.; Churchill, R.M.; Greenwald, M.; Groebner, R.J.; Hubbard, A.E.; Lipschultz, B.; Marmar, E.S.; Osborne, T.; Reinke, M.L.; Rice, J.E.; Theiler, C.; Terry, J.; White, A.E.; Whyte, D.G.; Wolfe, S.; Xu, X.Q.
Nuclear Fusion, v 53, n 4, April 2013
Threshold conditions for transitions to I-mode and H-mode with unfavourable ion grad B drift direction
Hubbard, A.E.; Whyte, D.G.; Churchill, R.M.; Dominguez, A.; Hughes, J.W.; Ma, Y.; Marmar, E.S.; Lin, Y.; Reinke, M.L.; White, A.E.
Nuclear Fusion, v 52, n 11, p 114009 (9 pp.), Nov. 2012
Alcator C-Mod overview oral presentation, 25th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, St. Petersburg, Russia, October, 2014