Senior Research Scientist
S.B. in physics MIT (1975)
Sc.D. in physics MIT (1979)
X-ray spectroscopy; intrinsic rotation, impurity, momentum and energy transport; atomic physics of highly ionized high Z materials.
Areas of interest include intrinsic rotation, internal transport barrier formation, momentum, impurity and energy transport, and spectroscopy of medium and high Z impurities in magnetic confinement devices. Has authored over 150 refereed journal articles, with 59 as first author. Paper “Inter-Machine Comparison of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks”, J.E.Rice et al., Nucl. Fusion 47, 1618 (2007) won the 2010 Nuclear Fusion Journal Prize. Has served on the Ph.D. committees for 12 graduate students, and has supervised 21 M.I.T. undergraduate theses. Has been an APS Fellow since 2006, is the former Chair of the US Transport Task Force, has served on the executive committees for Atomic Processes in Plasmas, and High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, and has been an official US member of the ITPA Transport and Confinement Group since 2001.
J.E. Rice, Y. Lin, C.J. Perks, M.L. Reinke, E.S. Marmar, N. Cao, C. Gao, F. Sciortino, S.J. Wukitch and J. Wright, “Argon Pumpout by ICRF Waves in C-Mod L- and I-mode Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 62, 086009 (2022)
J.E. Rice, “Driven Rotation, Self-Generated Flow and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas”, Springer Series on Atomic, Optical and Plasma Physics ISBN 978-3-030-92266-5 (2022)
J.E. Rice, F. Sciortino, M. Gu, N. Cao, J.W. Hughes, J.H. Irby, E.S. Marmar, S. Mordijck, M.L. Reinke and R. Reksoatmodjo, “The Very High n Rydberg Series of Ar16+ in Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas”, J. Phys. B 54, 017501 (2021)
J.E. Rice, M. Gu, N.M. Cao, J.W. Hughes, M.L. Reinke, M. Sertoli and D. Vezinet, “Contamination of Argon X-ray Spectra by Tungsten and Other Elements Commonly Found in Tokamaks”, J. Phys. B 54, 095701 (2021)
J.E. Rice, N.M. Cao, T. Tala, C. Chrystal, M.J. Greenwald, J.W. Hughes, E.S. Marmar, M.L. Reinke, P. Rodriguez-Fernandez and A. Salmi, “Dimensionless Parameter Scaling of Intrinsic Torque in C-Mod Enhanced Confinement Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 61, 026013 (2021)
J.E. Rice, J. Citrin, N.M. Cao, P.H. Diamond, M. Greenwald and B.A. Grierson, “Understanding LOC/SOC Phenomenology in Tokamaks”, Nucl. Fusion 60, 105001 (2020)
J.E. Rice, K.B. Fournier, G.E. Kemp, M. Bitter, N. Cao, L. Delgado-Aparicio, K. Hill, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes and M.L. Reinke, “X-ray Observations of Ne-like Xe and Satellites from C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas”, J. Phys. B 53, 055701 (2020)
J.E. Rice, M.L. Reinke, N. Cao, J.W. Hughes, J.M.A. Ashbourn, D.R. Ernst, A.E. Hubbard and J.H. Irby, “Up/Down Impurity Density Asymmetries in C-Mod Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 58, 126008 (2018)
J.E. Rice, F.B. Rosmej, N. Cao, M. Chilenski, N.T. Howard, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, J.H. Irby, Y. Lin, P. Rodriguez-Fernandez, S.M. Wolfe, S.J. Wukitch, M. Bitter, L. Delgado-Aparicio, K. Hill and M.L. Reinke,`X-ray Observations of Kbeta Emission from Medium Z He-like Ions in C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas', J. Phys. B 51, 035702 (2018)
J.E. Rice, J.W. Hughes, P.H. Diamond, N. Cao, M.A. Chilenski, A.E. Hubbard, J.H. Irby, Y. Kosuga, Y. Lin, I.W. Metcalf, M.L. Reinke, E.A. Tolman, M.M. Victora, S.M. Wolfe and S.J. Wukitch, `On the P * Scaling of Intrinsic Rotation in C-Mod Plasmas with Edge Transport Barriers', Nucl. Fusion 57, 116004 (2017)
J.E. Rice, `Experimental Observations of Driven and Intrinsic Rotation in Tokamak Plasmas', Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 58, 083001 (2016)
J.E. Rice, C. Gao, R. Mumgaard, R.R. Parker, S.D. Scott, S. Shiraiwa, G.M. Wallace, P.T. Bonoli, L. Delgado-Aparicio, C. Fenzi, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, J.H. Irby, J.P. Lee, E.S. Marmar, M.L. Reinke and S.M. Wolfe, `Effects of the q Profile on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas', Nucl. Fusion 56, 036015 (2016)
J.E. Rice, M.L. Reinke, J.M.A. Ashbourn, C. Gao, M. Bitter, L. Delgado-Aparicio, K. Hill, N.T. Howard, J.W. Hughes and U.I. Safronova, `X-ray Observations of Medium Z H- and He-like Ions with Satellites from C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas', J. Phys. B 48, 144013 (2015)
J.E. Rice, M.L. Reinke, C. Gao, N.T. Howard, M.A. Chilenski, L. Delgado-Aparicio, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, J.H. Irby, Y. Lin, E.S. Marmar, R.T. Mumgaard, S.D. Scott, J.L. Terry, J.R. Walk, A.E. White, D.G. Whyte, S.M. Wolfe and S.J. Wukitch,`Core Impurity Transport in Alcator C-Mod L-, I- and H-mode Plasmas’, Nucl. Fusion 55, 033014 (2015)
J.E. Rice, M.L. Reinke, J.M.A. Ashbourn, C. Gao, M.M. Victora, M.A. Chilenski, L. Delgado-Aparicio, N.T. Howard, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes and J.H. Irby,`X-ray Observations of Ca19+, Ca18+ and Satellites from Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas', J. Phys. B 47, 075701 (2014)
J.E. Rice, Y.A. Podpaly, M.L. Reinke, R. Mumgaard, S.D. Scott, S. Shiraiwa, G.M. Wallace, B. Chouli, C. Fenzi-Bonizec, M.F.F. Nave, P.H. Diamond, C. Gao, J.W. Hughes, P.T. Bonoli, L. Delgado-Aparicio, L.-G. Eriksson, C. Giroud, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, I.H. Hutchinson, J.H. Irby, K. Kirov, J. Mailloux, E.S. Marmar, R.R. Parker and S.M. Wolfe, `Effects of Magnetic Shear on Toroidal Rotation in Tokamak Plasmas with LHCD', Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 125003 (2013)
J.E. Rice, Y.A. Podpaly, M.L. Reinke, C. Gao, S. Shiraiwa, J.L. Terry, C. Theiler, G.M. Wallace, P.T. Bonoli, D. Brunner, R.M. Churchill, I. Cziegler, L. Delgado-Aparicio, P.H. Diamond, I.C. Faust, N.J. Fisch, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, J.W.Hughes, I.H. Hutchinson, J.H. Irby, J. Lee, Y. Lin, E.S. Marmar, R. Mumgaard, R.R. Parker, S.D. Scott, J.R. Walk, S.M. Wolfe and S.J. Wukitch, `Effects of LHRF on Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas', Nucl. Fusion 53, 093015 (2013)
J.E.Rice, C.Gao, M.L.Reinke, P.H.Diamond, N.T.Howard, H.J.Sun, I.Cziegler, A.E.Hubbard, Y.A.Podpaly, W.L.Rowan, J.L.Terry, M.A.Chilenski, L.Delgado-Aparicio, P.C.Ennever, D.Ernst, M.J.Greenwald, J.W.Hughes, Y.Ma, E.S.Marmar, M.Porkolab, A.E.White and S.M.Wolfe,”Non-local Heat Transport, Rotation Reversals and Up/down Impurity Density Asymmetries in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic L-mode Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 53, 033004 (2013)
J.E. Rice, M.J. Greenwald, Y.A. Podpaly, M.L. Reinke, P.H. Diamond, J.W. Hughes, N.T. Howard, Y. Ma, I. Cziegler, B.P. Duval, P.C. Ennever, D. Ernst, C.L. Fiore, C. Gao, J.H. Irby, E.S. Marmar, M. Porkolab, N. Tsujii and S.M. Wolfe, “Ohmic Energy Confinement Saturation and Core Toroidal Rotation Reversal in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, Phys. Plasmas 19, 056106 (2012)
J.E. Rice, I. Cziegler, P.H. Diamond, B.P. Duval, Y.A. Podpaly, M.L. Reinke, P.C. Ennever, M.J. Greenwald, J.W. Hughes, Y. Ma, E.S. Marmar, M. Porkolab, N. Tsujii and S.M. Wolfe, “Rotation Reversal Bifurcation and Energy Confinement Saturation in Tokamak Ohmic L-mode Plasmas”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 265001 (2011)
J.E.Rice et al., “Observations of Core Toroidal Rotation Reversals in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic L-mode Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 51, 083005 (2011) on short list for 2014 Nuclear Fusion Journal Prize
J.E. Rice, J.W. Hughes, P.H. Diamond, Y. Kosuga, Y.A. Podpaly, M.L. Reinke, M.J. Greenwald, O.D. Gurcan, T.S. Hahm, A.E. Hubbard, E.S. Marmar, C.J. McDevitt and D.G. Whyte, “The Edge Temperature Gradient as Intrinsic Rotation Drive in Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 215001 (2011)
J.E. Rice, M.L. Reinke, J.M.A. Ashbourn, A.C. Ince-Cushman, Y.A. Podpaly, M.F. Gu, M. Bitter, K. Hill and E. Rachlew, “The Ar17+ Lya2/Lya1 Ratio in Alcator C-Mod Tokamak Plasmas”, J. Phys. B 44, 165702 (2011)
J.E. Rice, A.C. Ince-Cushman, P.T. Bonoli, M.J. Greenwald, J.W. Hughes, R.R. Parker, M.L. Reinke, G.M. Wallace, C.L. Fiore, R.S. Granetz, A.E. Hubbard, J.H. Irby, E.S. Marmar, S. Shiraiwa, S.M. Wolfe, S.J. Wukitch, M. Bitter, K. Hill and J.R. Wilson, “Observations of Counter-Current Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 49, 025004 (2009)
J.E. Rice, “Spontaneous Rotation and Momentum Transport in Tokamak Plasmas”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 123, 012003 (2008)
J.E. Rice, A.C. Ince-Cushman, M.L. Reinke, Y. Podpaly, M.J. Greenwald, B. LaBombard and E.S. Marmar, “Spontaneous Core Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod L-mode, H-mode and ITB Plasmas”, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50, 124042 (2008)
J.E.Rice et al., “Inter-machine Comparison of Intrinsic Toroidal Rotation in Tokamaks”, Nucl. Fusion 47, 1618 (2007) 2010 Nuclear Fusion Journal Prize Winner
J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, K.B. Fournier and E.S. Marmar, “Core Atomic Physics Studies in Alcator C-Mod”, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 451 (2007)
J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, E.S. Marmar, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, J.H. Irby, T. Sunn Pedersen and S.M. Wolfe, “Impurity Transport in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 357 (2007)
J.E. Rice, E.S. Marmar, P.T. Bonoli, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, I.H. Hutchinson, J.H. Irby, B.LaBombard, W.D. Lee, Y.Lin, D. Mossessian, J.A. Snipes, S.M. Wolfe and S.J. Wukitch, “Spontaneous Toroidal Rotation in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas with No Momentum Input”, Fusion Sci. Technol. 51, 288 (2007)
J.E. Rice, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, M.J. Greenwald, B. LaBombard, J.H. Irby, Y. Lin, E.S. Marmar, D. Mossessian, S.M. Wolfe and S.J. Wukitch, “The dependence of core rotation on magnetic configuration and the relation to the H-mode power threshold in Alcator C-Mod plasmas with no momentum input”, Nucl. Fusion 45, 251 (2005)
J.E. Rice, W.D. Lee, E.S. Marmar, N.P. Basse, P.T. Bonoli, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, I.H. Hutchinson, A. Ince-Cushman, J.H. Irby, Y. Lin, D. Mossessian, J.A. Snipes, S.M. Wolfe, S.J. Wukitch, and K. Zhurovich, “Toroidal rotation and momentum transport in Alcator C-Mod plasmas with no momentum input”, Phys. Plasmas 11, 2427 (2004)
J.E.Rice et al., “Observations of Anomalous Momentum Transport in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas with No Momentum Input”, Nucl. Fusion 44, 379 (2004) on short list for 2007 Nuclear Fusion Journal Prize
J.E. Rice, P.T. Bonoli, C.L. Fiore, W.D. Lee, E.S. Marmar, S.J. Wukitch, R.S. Granetz, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, J.H. Irby, Y. Lin, D. Mossessian, S.M. Wolfe, K. Zhurovich, M.J. Greenwald, I.H. Hutchinson, M. Porkolab and J.A. Snipes, “Pressure profile modification of internal transport barrier plasmas in Alcator C-Mod”, Nucl. Fusion 43, 781 (2003)
J.E. Rice, P.T. Bonoli, E.S. Marmar, S.J. Wukitch, R.L. Boivin, C.L. Fiore, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, I.H. Hutchinson, J.H. Irby, Y. Lin, D. Mossessian, M. Porkolab, G. Schilling, J.A. Snipes and S.M. Wolfe, “Double transport barrier plasmas in Alcator C-Mod”, Nucl. Fusion 42, 510 (2002)
J.E. Rice, R.L. Boivin, P.T. Bonoli, J.A. Goetz, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, I.H. Hutchinson, E.S. Marmar, G. Schilling, J.A. Snipes, S.M. Wolfe, S.J. Wukitch, C.L. Fiore, J.H. Irby, D. Mossessian and M. Porkolab, “Observations of Impurity Toroidal Rotation Suppression with ITB Formation in ICRF and Ohmic H-mode Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 41, 277 (2001)
J.E. Rice, K.B. Fournier, J.A Goetz, E.S Marmar and J.L. Terry, “X-ray observations of 2l-nl' transitions and configuration-interaction effects from Kr, Mo, Nb and Zr in near neon-like charge states from tokamak plasmas”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33 5435 (2000)
J.E. Rice, J.A. Goetz, R.S. Granetz, M.J. Greenwald, A.E. Hubbard, I.H. Hutchinson, E.S. Marmar, D. Mossessian, T. Sunn Pedersen, J.A. Snipes, J.L. Terry and S.M. Wolfe, “Impurity toroidal rotation and transport in Alcator C-Mod ohmic high confinement mode plasmas”, Phys. Plasmas 7, 1825 (2000)
J.E. Rice, K.B. Fournier, U.I. Safronova, J.A. Goetz, S. Gutmann, A.E. Hubbard, J. Irby, B. LaBombard, E.S. Marmar and J.L. Terry, “The Rydberg Series of Heliumlike Cl, Ar and S and Their High n Satellites in Tokamak Plasmas”, New J. Phys. 1, 19 (1999)
J.E. Rice, P.T. Bonoli, J.A. Goetz, M.J. Greenwald, I.H. Hutchinson, E.S. Marmar, S.M. Wolfe, S.J. Wukitch and C.S. Chang, “Central Impurity Toroidal Rotation in ICRF Heated Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 39, 1175 (1999)
J.E.Rice et al., “Observations of Central Toroidal Rotation in ICRF Heated Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, Nucl. Fusion 38, 75 (1998)
J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, J.A. Goetz, Y. Wang, E.S. Marmar, M. Greenwald, I. Hutchinson, Y. Takase, S. Wolfe, H. Ohkawa, A. Hubbard, “Impurity transport in Alcator C-Mod plasmas”, Phys. Plasmas 4, 1605 (1997)
J.E. Rice, E.S. Marmar, F. Bombarda and L. Qu, “X-ray Observations of Central Toroidal Rotation in Ohmic Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, Nuc. Fusion 37, 421 (1997)
J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, E.S. Marmar and F. Bombarda, “X-ray Observations of Up-Down Impurity Density Asymmetries in Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, Nuc. Fusion 37, 241 (1997)
J.E. Rice, F. Bombarda, M.A. Graf, E.S. Marmar, J.L. Terry and Y. Wang, “Multiple Plasma Diagnoses from a Five Chord High Energy Resolution X-ray Spectrometer Array”, Fusion Eng. Des. 34-35, 159 (1997)
J.E. Rice, K.B. Fournier, J.L. Terry, M. Finkenthal, E S. Marmar, W.H. Goldstein and U.I. Safronova, “2l - nl' X-ray Transitions from Neon-like Charge States of the Row 5 Metals with 39 < Z < 46”, Proceedings of the 10th Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas, San Francisco, CA, January 1996, AIP Press Conference Proceedings 381, Woodbury, NY, pp.11-20 (1996)
J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, K.B. Fournier, M.A. Graf, M. Finkenthal, M.J. May, E.S. Marmar, W.H. Goldstein and A.E. Hubbard, “X-ray and VUV Observations of Mo23+ - Mo33+ Brightness Profiles from Alcator C-Mod Plasmas”, J. Phys. B 29, 2191 (1996)
J.E. Rice, K.B. Fournier, J.L. Terry, M.A. Graf, M. Finkenthal, E.S. Marmar and W.H. Goldstein, “X-ray Observations of 2l - nl' Transitions from Zr, Nb, Mo and Pd in Near Neon-like Charge States”, Phys. Rev. A 53, 3953 (1996)
J.E. Rice, K.B. Fournier, M.A. Graf, J.L. Terry, M. Finkenthal, F. Bombarda, E.S. Marmar and W.H. Goldstein, “X-ray Observations of 2l-nl' Transitions in Mo30+ - Mo33+ from Tokamak Plasmas”, Phys Rev A 51, 3551 (1995)
J.E. Rice, M.A. Graf, J.L. Terry, E.S. Marmar, K. Giesing and F. Bombarda, “X-ray Observations of Helium-like Scandium from the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak”, J. Phys. B 28, 893 (1995)
J.E. Rice, F. Bombarda, M.A. Graf, E.S. Marmar and Y. Wang, “Observations of Alcator C-Mod Plasmas from a Five Chord High Energy Resolution X-ray Spectrometer Array”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 66, 752 (1995)
J.E. Rice and E.S. Marmar, “Five-chord High-resolution X-ray Spectrometer for Alcator C-Mod”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 61, 2753 (1990)
J.E. Rice and K.L. Chamberlain, “X-ray Observations between 10 and 150 keV from the Alcator C Tokamak”, Phys. Rev. A 38, 1461 (1988)
J.E. Rice, E.S. Marmar, E. Kallne, and J. Kallne, “Radial Profiles of Ground-state Transitions of Helium-like Argon from the Alcator C Tokamak”, Phys. Rev. A 35, 3033 (1987)
J.E. Rice, E.S. Marmar, E. Kallne, and J. Kallne, “Electron Temperature Measurements from Line Ratios of He- and H-like Argon in the Alcator C Tokamak”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 57, 2154 (1986)
J.E. Rice, E.S. Marmar, J.L. Terry, E. Kallne, and J. Kallne, “Observation of Charge-Transfer Population of High n Levels in Ar16+ from Neutral Hydrogen in the Ground and Excited States in a Tokamak Plasma”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56, 50 (1986)
J.E. Rice, J.L. Terry, E.S. Marmar, and the Heliotron Group, “Transport of Injected Impurities in Heliotron E”, Nucl. Fusion 24, 1205 (1984)
J.E. Rice, E.S. Marmar, B. Lipschultz, and J.L. Terry, “Influx and Sources of Medium- and High-Z Intrinsic Impurities in the Alcator C Tokamak”, Nucl. Fusion 24, 329 (1984)
J.E. Rice, K. Molvig and H.I. Helava, “Continuum X-ray Emission from the Alcator A Tokamak” Phys Rev. A, 25, 1645 (1982)
J.E. Rice, E.S. Marmar, T. Coan, S.L. Allen and R.D. Cowan, “Molybdenum and Chlorine X-ray Emission from Alcator A”, Phys. Rev. A 22, 310 (1980)