Costanza Maggi
Friday, May 13, 2022
Abstract: Starting from the motivation of Tritium experiments in JET with ITER-like wall, the talk will then cover some of the aspects of tokamak operations with Tritium. The talk will then continue with a review of main scientific results obtained in JET-ILW encompassing all three hydrogen isotopes to understand the dependence of particle, heat and momentum transport on isotope mass, required for predicting ITER's burning plasmas.
Bio: Dr Costanza Maggi is a UKAEA senior tokamak scientist and leader of the Pedestal Physics Group. She graduated in Physics at the University of Milano, Italy, and obtained her PhD in Physics at Strathclyde University, UK. In 1997 she participated, as a young scientist, in the first JET Deuterium-Tritium experiments (DTE1). In 2000 she joined the ASDEX Upgrade team at the Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, as experimental plasma physicist. In 2009 she returned to Culham working on JET in the fields of spectroscopy and H-mode physics and in 2012-2014 as JET Deputy Task Force Leader. From 2015 to 2019 she led the Pedestal Physics Topical Area for the Tokamak Science programme at CCFE. In 2019 she was appointed by EUROfusion as JET Task Force Leader (Task Force Physics and Technology for ITER), co-leading the JET scientific programme of T and DT experiments. Fields of expertise include fusion spectroscopy, H-mode and pedestal physics and the role of isotope mass on plasma transport and confinement.