MIT PSFC hosted its first Computational Physics School for Fusion Research which focused on teaching computational tools that could help young scientists speed their research, much of which rely increasingly on computers when problems cannot be solved analytically, or too much data for one person to process.
Brandon Sorbom and Commonwealth Fusion Systems break new ground in energy technology and business models in pursuit of climate-friendly power generation
A team led by Leslie Bromberg, principal research engineer at MIT's PSFC, has developed a hybrid gasoline-electric engine thought to be the next step toward having long-haul trucks run on electricity.
PSFC's Chikang Li and an international team of researachers have reproduced critical conditions of collisionless shocks in the laboratory, allowing for detailed study of the processes taking place within giant cosmic smashups.
Research scientist Maria Gatu Johnson, part of the PSFC’s High-Energy-Density Physics Division, will receive the American Physical Society’s Katherine E. Weimer Award, which recognizes outstanding plasma science research by a woman physicist in the early stages of her career.
Picard's study of the microwaves that speed from the megawatt gyrotron at MIT’s PSFC could lead the way to smaller and more powerful particle accelerators, the kind of finished product Picard finds rewarding.