The Graduate Student Advisory Group in the School of Enghineering (GradSAGE) has helped pave the way for a new MIT offering this spring, designed to make those transitions from lab research into leadership roles less of a shock to the system for MIT graduate students.
A vast supply of heat lies beneath our feet. Yet today’s drilling methods can barely push through dense rocks and high-pressure conditions to reach it. Using a technology developed at MIT PSFC, AltaRock Energy is leading an effort to melt and vaporize rocks with millimeter waves.
Research engineer Willy Burke had never heard of a “fusor.” Now he has guided the successful creation of 14 fusors, in the process inaugurating a new maker space sponsored by the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, the PSFC, and MIT’s office of Environmental Health and Safety.
A team of MIT chemists (Hong Lab) has discovered the structure of a key influenza protein (BM2), a finding that could help researchers design drugs that block the protein and prevent the virus from spreading.